The SQL/R ODBC server is configured by editing the odbc.cfg, odbc.user and odbc.dsn configuration files.
- The odbc.cfg file defines the
server defaults and behaviour.
- The odbc.dsn file defines the
data sources.
- The odbc.user file defines
the ODBC users.
- The odbc.pswd file holds encrypted passwords. It is maintained with the sqlrpasswd utility and should not be changed manually.
Location of Configuration files
SQL/R configuration files are located in the following directory:-
On the HP-UX and Linux platform, configuration files reside in the
/etc/opt/sqlr2 directory. Template configuration files are available
in the /opt/sqlr2/newconfig/config directory.
By default, root capabilities are required to change the configuration.
On the Windows platform SQL/R configuration files reside in the etc
subdirectory of the SQL/R installation directory.
Template configuration files are available in the same directory with an additional ".sam" extension. Please note that on Windows Vista or newer membership in the "SQLR Administrators" group is required to edit the configuration files.